Back in May we invited everyone to join us in knitting a Zick Zack scarf. It's a very simple project, and we felt we needed a relaxing new cast on. The fun of this design is in picking the colours! There are so many possibilities with two colours used to make stripes and simple shaping producing the chevron effect.
Many of you joined us! Some zipped through their Zick Zacks and even cast on another. Others are taking their time, still working on theirs between multiple projects. And some abandoned their Zick Zacks, which is totally fine! What's mediative to some can feel repetitive to others!
Here are some scarves that were sent in for us to share.
From left to right on the top row we have:
- Hannah using Regia Colour Line.
- Veronica used a Stylecraft yarn. She said that she has also previously made a wider version of the scarf by casting on more repeats of the pattern.
- Trudi used chunky yarns for hers and cast on fewer repeats of the pattern, so it knit up super quickly.
- Jackie, our Woolly Agony Aunt, has nearly finished hers!
- Su has knit two versions, one using King Cole Curiosity and another in a chunky yarn. Su said that she loved how impressive the pattern looks considering that the pattern is so simple!
- Katie had been thinking of making this project and was pleased that the knit-a-long gave her a push to go for it!
- Catherine is keeping her scarf as a relaxing long term project between other projects.
- Liz used some yarn dyed by Wool on the Exe.
- Janet used Signature 4ply along with a solid white yarn that she had in stash
- Lizzie used two luxurious hand-dyed yarns by Ovis and Pixie Yarns. She said that she enjoys how the 'wrong' side of the scarf looks just as interesting as the 'right' side!

And here is Peter looking fantastic in his Zick Zack scarf that he has very nearly finished!
It's been wonderful seeing everyone's Zick Zacks and sharing the project. We're bound to have another knit-a-long soon and in the meantime Sam's crochet-a-long is going strong, as well as our Community Tree Project. Please keep sharing any of your crafting projects with us, we love seeing what you're making! This is easy to do by uploading a photo on our facebook group, Friends of Wool on the Exe. Let's keep crafting together!