Every year we’re blown away by the wonderful projects that we see in our photo competitions. This year, with blankets as a theme, we knew that we would see some extra special makes! Blankets can be beautifully creative, technically advanced, and extremely meaningful. Often just the scale of the project is impressive! There are a lot of stitches to make up a whole blanket –the commitment and persistence of the maker is admirable.
Thank you to everyone who shared a photo via our social media and by email. We have drawn a randomly-selected winner of a gift voucher, but first we’d like to show you some of the many inspiring blankets that were entered!
Lauren kindly lent us a special blanket for our autumn window display and shared the story of its origin;
"My wedding blanket is made up of lots hexagons which have been hand dyed and crochet together into to a large blanket. For my hen doo, we went to Wool on the Exe for a yarn dyeing experience where each of my friends dyed a hank of yarn which I subsequently crochet into hexagons. Each hexagon is unique but all fit together perfectly! This is a beautiful reminder of my friends and wedding and will become, I hope, a family heirloom."

Helen showed us three blankets that she had knitted, as well as one that her mum had crocheted for her. She described it as being full of ‘yarn love’!
We saw quite a few other blankets that had been made for loved ones.
From left to right in the photo above we have:
- a sea-side themed blanket crocheted by Lisa for her daughter who is now living in America,
- a Nightmare Before Christmas crocheted blanket that was made by Karen for her daughter,
- a square blanket crocheted by Gemma for her daughter,
- a green and yellow crocheted blanket made by Becky for her son. She told us that it took her three years to complete between other projects, and that she and her son love getting cosy under it for movie nights!
We also saw blankets that had been generously made for charity, including the six blankets below. These were some of the twelve blankets that Faye crocheted for Ukraine.
Faye was one of a few people who shared a large number of blankets that they have made! Here are six that have been made by Clare.
Natasha kindly shared photos of sixteen of the blankets that she had made! Here are nine of them.
And here are nine more photos from the many beautiful entries that we received. You can see more on our Facebook page and in our Facebook group, where we always love seeing what people have made!
From left to right, and top to bottom we have blankets made by;
- Emily,
- Marian who said that she made this blanket after attending a mosaic crochet workshop with us in the shop,
- Pat,
- Sally,
- Katherine,
- Lissie,
- Frances who mentioned that she learnt a great deal making this mandala-style blanket,
- Deborah who made this blanket from 330 granny squares using sock wool from her stash,
- Rosie who made this blanket over three years while working full-time in the NHS through Covid lockdowns.
We also wanted to share Vickie’s blanket photo entry. She treated us to a photo of her Jacobs sheep that grew the wool, the blanket itself, and her cat enjoying the finished blanket – so cute!
As usual there is no way that we could pick a winner among these and the many other entries; they are all beautiful, precious and worthy! Instead, we assigned a number to each person who entered a photo and used a random number generator to select a winner of the £25 gift voucher. This year our winner is, Elizabeth Ward who knitted this gorgeous blanket.

The pattern is Ten Stitch Blanket by Frankie Brown and it looks like a very relaxing and fun project - ideal for a colour-changing yarn.
Thank you again to everyone who entered a photo and joined in with the fun of inspiring each other!
What a fantastic collection of blankets everyone.
All fantastic everyone a winner